by COL Scott Pritchett
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSSeveral collectors and Forum members generously contributed items from their collections and photo archives, and provided information to close some of the gaps in my research. This kind of response is what makes this hobby so fun and the undertaking of a research effort like this so rewarding. I know I have learned a great deal more from these collectors throughout the research of this project than I believed I knew at the start. It's my expectation that our collective efforts will provide the same experience for other collectors who are interested in this campaign award. The following people deserve credit: Jaques Calero, Curtis Shattuck, Mike Heuer, Ralph Hinz, Andy Hopkins, Ian Jewison, Prosper Keating, Phillipe Leconteur, Jos Leconte, COL French MacLean, Frank Mundcik, "Polux", and Warren O. I should also note the superb reference works on the Afrikakorps by my acquaintances Roger James Bender and Dal McGuirk, the excellent book by Gordon Williamson on cuffbands, and Detlev Niemann's popular reference book and website, as important resources that assisted my research. |