by François Saez
Paul Williams
Part IV - Documents
As for many other military and civil awards of the Third Reich period, the EHRENPOKAL was accompanied by a document or "urkunde". Collectors will encounter two types of certificate. Early examples generally have Göring's original signature placed on the lower right of the document. At times these were signed on his behalf by Generalfeldmarschall Milch.
The urkunde pictured to the right is the second type which has the ink-stamped signature of the Reichsmarschall positioned centrally. This type also has a second signature which appears in the bottom right corner ... that of the Head of the Luftwaffe Personnel Department. |
Loerzer's signature appearing on an Ehrenpokal award document dated 15th April 1944. |
The recipient of the complete document pictured above was German Cross winner Günter Bach, a pilot in KG3. Note the characteristic typed details .... rank, name, type of flyer
Here is an example for a man with a different, but equally valuable role, that of "Transportflieger". |
A magnified view of the embossed seal which is found on the bottom left of original documents. |
All aircrew were eligible for the award of |
An unknown officer receives the cased goblet with certificate
Honor Awards | Part I - Construction | Part II - Fakes | Part III -Presentation | Part V -Documents |
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The authors invite readers to contribute any new information to this article, - May 2001