Miscellaneous Devices

This wreath with finely enameled black swastika was used as a
Habsburg style "Kleindekoration" to indicate a
commander grade neck award, worn as a ribbon bar ribbon. This is
an original device-fakes are common, but as crude cast pieces
without the almost microscopic thin 3-D enameling here.


This sensible device to indicate male R.A.D. 4 years long
service on their generic blue ribbon was worn only briefly in
1940, and then forbidden, making it quite scarce. There
was also presumably a silvered "12," but I have never
seen one, JCJ


This is another "Kleindekoration" device, the center
disk of the Horthy regime Hungarian Merit Order, Commander grade,


Whether this 'Rising Sun' was an official device to indicate
Commander grade of the Japanese Order of the Sacred Treasurer, I
do not know-but that is what it indeed represents, since the
original wearer is known, FS


This is a bizarre attempt to replicate the 'military' device of a
Finnish Order of the Cross of Liberty, 1918. Even the ribbon here
is wrong, reflecting fairly typical 'make do' by German outfitters
unable to find the correct obscure foreign material in stock


2nd award device, Finnish Cross of Liberty 2nd Class 1941