by Stijn
Bild der Reichsmarschall (Portrait of the Fieldmarschal )
Please follow the link to the article on the Honor Goblet.
Ehrenschale für Besondere Leistung im Erdkampf (Luftwaffe Salver of Honor)
The Luftwaffe Salver of Honour was instituted by the Reichsminister der Luftwaffe und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall Göring on 5.06.1942
The full text was as follows;
"Stiftung einer " Ehrenschale für hervorragende Kampfleistungen"
Als Anerkennung hervorragende Leistungen im Erdkampf stifte ich die "Ehrenschale für hervorragende Kampfleistungen " , Die Verleihung der Ehrenschale behalte ich mir Persönlich vor.
Der Beliehenen erhält eine Bezitsurkunde und wird in die Ehrenliste aufgenommen.
Hauptquartier des Ob.d.L., den 15.Juni 1942 ,
Der Reichsminister der Luftwaffe und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Gez. Göring (Reichsmarschall)The honor salver was only awarded to Luftwaffe personnel who was engaged in ground combat and had shown outstanding bravery (hervorragende tapferkeit) in the field, but whose deeds were not enough to be presented with the German Cross in Gold .
A person had to be alrerady a recipient of the Iron class 1st class (or clasp for the iron cross 1st class) and the Luftwaffe Ground combat badge before he could be awarded the Luftwaffe salver of Honor.
On 10.12.1944 all awards off the Luftwaffe Salver of Honor were stopped and from that moment was replaced by the award the Honor roll clasp off the Luftwaffe. All persons previously awarded the honors salver where entitled to wear the Honor roll clasp off the Luftwaffe from that moment on .
The Honor Salver is one off the rarest Luftwaffe awards given trough the war, it is estimated that there where about 50 pieces awarded.
The salver is produced out of Alpaka by the famous firm of "Johan Wagner & Sohn". It was 282mm in diameter.
The design shows a plate with in the center the stylized design off Reichsmarschall Göring's LW eagle (looking at the left) with spread wings and holding in its claws a swastika (and crossing underneath this swastika 2 crossed Marschal battons). Above the eagle is the rank and name off the recipient and the date off award engraved on 2 banners , underneath the eagle is the following text " IN ANERKENNUNG HERVORRAGENDER KAMPFLEISTUNGEN " on a downward banner .
This eagle is surrounded by both 6 alternating oak leaves and 6 laurel leaves on the outer rim . The Honor Salver was awarded with a award document and was awarded in a blue case.
An example off this extremely rare award can be seen in Niemann's reference guide on page 564 ( number 7.08.03 ) and in Formann's guide on page 145 (number 130)
The above award is shown for illustration purposes only
Medaille für Ausgezeichnete Technische Leistung (Medal for Outstanding Achievements in the Technical branch of the Luftwaffe )
This medal was instituted by Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe "Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring". Until today, the exact institution date is not known (however it was instituted after the promotion from Göring to Reichsmarschall on 19.07.1940 )
The medal is 75 mm and shows on the front side the profile off Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring who is looking left., around his head is the lettering "DER OBERBEFEHLSHABER DER LUFTWAFFE (above the Göring portrait ) - REICHSMARSCHALL GöRING (under the portrait)"
The backside shows the flying Luftwaffe eagle (head to right) with the lettering " FÜR AUSGEZEICHNETE LEISTUNGEN (above the eagle) * IM TECHNISCHE DIENST DER LUFTWAFFE (under the eagle)". Between the two text lines there is each time one 4 pointed star (these are flanking the Luftwaffe eagle on both sizes ).
The medal is made from zinc that was silvered .
This medal was intended to reward Outstanding technical achievements in the Air Force which could not be awarded with the War Merit Cross or a similar award. This medal should be considered as a very rare award for a very important branch off the German Air Force. The exact number off awards is not currently known.
This medal was awarded in a presentation case (black) an a award certificate.
(This medal can be seen in Formans guide 2nd.
edition, page, 146 number 131 and by NIemann page 565 number 7.08.04 ., also Dr. Klietmanns' book "Die Auszeichnungen des Deutsches Reiches" on page 202 - if you have a picture that you can share with this site please e-mail me)
Medaille für Besondere Leistungen im Luftgau Belgien-Nordfrankreich (Luftwaffe Air District West France Medal for Meritorious Achievements)
This is a rare medal that was to be presented per the title - Meritorious Achievements in the Air District Belgium/Northern France. Currently no institution day is known, and there does not exist much information regarding this medal (no awarding of this medal can be documented).
The medal was produced out off Zinc that was gold bronzed, the medal itself is 41 mm large.
The front side showed a lion (this symbol is based in the Lion of Waterloo) in the middle of the medal that is surrounded by the following text "ERHALTEN BLEIBEN MUSS DIE DEUTSCHEN NATION" , under the lion is an oak leave wreath with besides it on each side a 4 pointed star . Under the oak leaves the letters HV (probably maker mark or designers mark)
The reverse shows a large oak leave wreath with on the top a Iron Cross, inside the wreath the following text "FÜR TREUE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN IM BEREICH DES LUFGAUKOMMANDOS BELGIEN-NORDFRANKREICH". Under the lettering a flying Luftwaffe eagle (head to the right).
(This medal can be seen Formanns guide page 147 [ number 133] , Niemann reference page 566 [number 7.08.07] - if you have a picture that you can share with this site please e-mail me)
Medaille fur Treue Dienste im Feldluftgau Westfrankreich (Luftwaffe Air District Belgium -Northern France Medal for Meritorious Achievements)
This award was instituted in the summer off 1944 (exact date not presently known) by the commanding officer from the Field Air District Western France "General der Flakartillerie" Dr. Weismann.
Due to the late date off the institution from thsi medal (and the wounding from the commanding officer on June 1944) it never came to a official institution. The only official award ( know untill now ) was made on 05.08.1944 to a Stabshelferin, there could be made no further awards at this time due to the invasion in Normandy and the Following retraet from the German forces (also from the Field Air District France).
The other produced medals where also taken with the retraeting forces (and staff of Field Air District FRance ) back to Germany. Near Stuttgart the resting awards where given to the remaining (stabshelferinnen ) Female members off staff (without award certificate) and what was left over from the stock on medals at that time was given to the Luftgaukommando VII.
This medal is made from Bronze and is 41 mm large, the design was made by a Staffmember from the Field Air District France. It was produced by the Firm Delande in Paris. It is stated that there also should exist a miniature from this award (20 mm , same front as the large medal and hollow back).
The front side shows a stylized map off FRance with above it a flying Luftwaffe eagle (head pointing to the right) and above it the words "ALLES FÜR DEUTSCHLAND 3".
The back shows the following text in Latin script "FÜR TREUE DIENSTLEISTUNGEN IM BEREICH DES FELDLUFTGAUKOMMANDOS WESTFRANKREICH" within a laurel leave.
(This medal can be seen in Niemanns' guide on page 567 [number 7.08.08]) and in Formanns' guide on page 147 [number 132] - if you have a picture that you can share with this site please e-mail me)
Ehrenschild fur Besondere Leistungen im Feldluftgau Norwegen (Honor Shield for Special Achievements in Field Air District Norway)
Ehrenschild für Besondere Leistungen im Luftgau Norwegen (Honor Shield for Special Achievements in Air District Norway)
Saez Collection
There is no exact institution day known for this award, but it was instituted by the commanding officer from Air District Norway (according Dr. Klietmann between 04/1940 and 12/1943 ).
The front from this honor award shows the a Luftwaffe eagle (head to the right) who is flying above the following text "FÜR BESONDERE LEISTUNG / DER KOMMANDIERENDE GENERAL / UND BEFEHLSHABER IM / LUFTGAU NORWEGEN" Underneath this text there is a symbolic drawing from a naked figure who rides on a deer (this in a circle).
The reverse is plain with shows the makers mark in the left under corner (see scan) and in the middle a number (award number ?), above which there is an attachment to possibly hang the award.
The award measures as follows,-
Height: 150 m
Width: 110 mm.
The used metal can vary from Buntmetal to iron, all the awards have a black (or very dark green) color applied on them.
The award was presented in a award case together with a award document .
The exact award numbers are not currently known. -
Ehrenschild für Besondere Bewährung im Luftgau Finnland (Honor Shield for Proof of Merit in Air District Finland)
This award was instituted in 1943 by the commanding officer "General der Flieger Schulz", and was intended to reward special Proof off Merit for the Luftwaffe in Finland (according to Dr. Klietmann). Currently there is no actually institution date known, but it is stated that there exist awards with the following dates; 1942, 1943, 1944. The shield was presented with a award document and came in a presentation case.
The obverse shows a Flying Luftwaffe eagle (head pointing to the right) with a swastika in its claws in a cloudy sky , and above a half world globe where a sun ray shines upon the highest regions from Finland. The polar circle is also visible on this half globe.
Underneath this is the following text "FÜR BESONDERE BEWÄHRUNG DER KOMMANDIERENDE GENERAL DES LUFTGAUSTABES FINNLAND" and at the lowest point the date "1942" or "1943" or "1944", this date is flanked by a point on each side.
The material in which this award was constructed is bronze and iron (with a bronzed look) The measurements are; height: 166 mm., width : 117 mm.
This award can be seen in Niemann's guide on page 569 (number 7.08.10 ) and in Formanns guide ( 2 nd. edition ) on page 150 (number 138)
Ehrenschild für Hervorragende Technische Leistung des Oberbefehlshaber Süd (Honor Shield for Outstanding Technical Achievements in the Southern Command)
This Honor shield was instituted at the beginning off 1942 (no exact institution date known) by the commanding officer from the Oberbefehlshaber Süd (Luftflotte 2) Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring. The shield could be awarded until halfway through 1944 (the last known award on 18.05.1944, to the leader off the the "Aussenstelle der Wehrmacht-Verkehrs-Direktion" in Florence, Oberleutnant Dr. Hahn).
The honor shield was intended to reward special achievements in the technical branch off the Luftwaffe that could not be rewarded with an existing portable award. It was produced out off Iron and was blackened.
The front off the shield shows a flying Luftwaffe Eagle (head to the right) in a stylized map off the Mediterranean area. Under this map there is the following text "FÜR HERVORRAGENDE TECHNISCHE LEISTUNGEN IM SÜDEN", under this text an engraved facsimile off the Kesselring signature and his full title "GENERALFELDMARSCHALL OBERBEFEHLSHABER SÜD". At the lowest point one can see the following lettering - H SCH T
The reverse shows the a semi hollow appearance, with a hinge to hang this award above the flying eagle. In the left under corner the makers mark is clearly visible - a large T that is surrounded by the word "Lauchhammer" in a octagon.
The award has the following measurements ; width 15 cm. by 18.6 - 18.9 cm height (there can be minor height differences). It was presented in a award case measuring 19 cm in width and 23 cm in height (also seen a 22.5 cm award case) and together with a award document .
The award should be considered rare.
The award can be seen in Formann's guide page 149 ( number 137 ), Niemann' s reference on page 572 (number 7.08.12 )
Schild für Verdienste im Kreta Einsatz des XI Fliegerkorps (Luftwaffe Honor Shield for special merit in the battle of Crete)
- This shield or plaque was a "Korpsinner" (XI Fliegerkorps). Remembrance and recognition award, that was awarded by the commanding general from the XI Fliegerkorps (Generaloberst Student).
This award was presented to personnel that has shown special merit in the preparation for the Crete operation.
This award could be given in addition to the officially instituted "Cufftitle Kreta". It was however not necesarry to have this cufftitle to receive this award; for example, staff members who where involved in planning and organizing the whole operation but who took not part in the actual operation could be awarded this shield or plaque.
There are 3 types off this award known:
- With " Falschirmadler " and without the swastika .
- With Luftwaffe eagle looking at the right side
- With "Falschirmadler" and swastika
There also exists an award document for these shields or awards.
Ehrenplakette für Besondere Leistungen im Sudostraum (Honor Plaque for Outstanding Technical Achievements in the Southeast Command of the Luftwaffe)
This award was instituted by the commanding officer from the Luftwaffekommando Südost between 01.01.1943 (the institution off the LWKommando Sudost ) and 18.11.1944 ( the day this LWKommando was disbanded ). The Luftwaffekommando Sudost had its HQ in Greece and included Greece and the Balkan.
This award has the form off a " Schield " , the front shows the map off Greece and the Balkan over witch there is a large Luftwaffe eagle flying ( head pointing to the right )
Above the eagle there is the following text"FÜR BESONDERE LEISTUNGEN IM SÜDOSTRAUM"
underneath the eagle the text is a following ( smaller then the previous )
(facsimile generals signature)
There should exist 2 types off this award ( an be seen on th eplaque's text) :
General und Befehlshaber
The award back had a small triangle on the top to hang this to a wall.
The material in wich this award is constructed is bronze (no exact measurements known by the author)It was awarded in a presentation case and there was also given a award certificate to the person who had earned this plaque.
According to Dr. Klietmann this award was written in the personal papers off the soldier (soldbuch and/or Wehrpass)
This award can be seen in Formann's Guide page : 149 (number 136 a) Niemann's reference on page 573 (number 7.08.14)
Ehrenplakette der 21 Luftwaffe - Feld-Division (Honor Plaque off the 21. Luftwaffe Field Division)
Ehrenschild "Für Hervorragende Leistungen" im luftgau XI (Honor Shield for Outstanding Achievements in Air Districts XI )
This shield was instituted between the end of 1939 and the beginning off 1940 (no exact institution date is known) by the commanding officer off Luftgau XI, Generalleutnant Wolff.
The award is rectangular and shows a Flying Luftwaffe eagle (head pointing to the right) above the following text:Rank
(Engraved facsimile off the Wolff signature)
rank(Note: several designs variation of these shields exist, a very unique one can be seen in Niemann's reference guide on page 570 )
The award has the following measurements: 90 mm by 114 mm , 112 mm by 142 mm , 132 mm by 172 mm (different designs and all have different measurements)
This shield can be found in either iron or silver, the silver version being instituted about the beginning of 1942 by the commanding officer Generalleutnant Wolf.
The first award off the silver Honor Shield was presented in the Luftgau verordnungsblatt XI on 05/04/1942 to Feldwebel Nelke (member off the Technische kompanie, Fliegerhorstkommandatur Rechlin).
There are no exact award criteria or award numbers known (according to Dr. Klietmann the silver shield was presented around 14 times, therefore iron shield award numbers should be higher.
This award should be considered extremely rare.
(The award can be seen at Formann's guide page 150 ( number 139 ) , Niemann's reference on page 570 (number 7.08.11)).
Ehrenplakette fur Hervorragende Technische Leistung im Osten (Honor Shield for Special Technical Achievements in the Eastern Command)
This Honor shield was instituted in 1941 (no exact date known until now) by the commanding officer (Generalfeldmarschall Kesselring ) off the Luftflotte 2. It was intended to reward special achievements in the Technical branch of the Luftwaffe that could not be rewarded with an existing portable award.
The front shows a flying Luftwaffe Eagle (head to the right) , underneath which is the following text"FÜR HERVORRAGENDE TECHNISCHE LEISTUNGEN IM OSTEN "
Under this text an engraved facsimile off the Kesselring signature and his full title "GENERALFELDMARSCHALL CHEF DER LUFTFLOTTE 2 ".
At the lowest point one can see the following lettering : "H SCH T"
The reverse has a semi hollow appearance, with a horizontal hinge (above the flying eagle) to hang this award . In the left corner is the makers mark clearely visible, a large T that is surrounded by the word " Lauchhammer " in a octagon. The award was presented in a case ( 19 cm width and 23 cm height ) and togheter with a award document.According to dr. Klietmann he has seen a award document dated 10 October 1941 , another known award document shows the date off 28 October 1941. This award should be considered very rare (due to the fact that this could be awarded only during about 5 months)
(The award can be seen in Niemann's reference on page 574 (number 7.08.17))
Ehrenplakette des Luftgau Kiew (Honor Shield for Air District Kiev)
Ehrenplakette des Luftgau Charkow (Honor Shield for Air District Charkow)
Ehrenplakette des Luftgau Moskau (Honor Shield Air District Moscow)
Ehrenplakette der Luftflotte 1 (Honor Shield Luftflotte 1)
Ehrenplakette der Luftflotte 4 (Honor Shield Luftflotte 4)
Ehrenplakette fur Besondere Bewährung im xxx Fliegerkorps (Honor plaque for proof of merit from the XXX Fliegerkorps)
Ehrenplakette fur Besondere Bewährung im Feldluftgau XXX (Honor plaque for proof of merit in the field air district XXX)
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