By Stijn David and Sebastián Bianchi
The Cholmshield was to be worn on the Left upper arm of the Uniform as stated by the regulations, until now the scarce pictures that show the Cholmshield in wear has not shown that these regulations where not followed strictly by the recipients . Pictures of the Cholmshield in wear are also very hard to find nowadays and below is a selection from previously unpublished pictures from the cholmshield in wear , out of different collections al over the world .
Unknown German Heer Leutnant with the Cholmshield on his arm, wears
also the Infantry assault badge in silver and the Iron cross 1st
SD Collection |
Name withheld due to
protect privacy ( this soldier survived the war). Note the Cholmshield in wear without any cloth
backing! , clearly visible through the uniform cloth are the
outlines of the backing plate.
SD Collection |
Generalmajor Theodor Scherer
in a picture circa 1943 near
Welikji - Luki. Clearely visible on his arm is the Cholmshield , note
also the KC & OL around his neck and his small ribbon bar on the
breast pocket.
JC Collection |
Picture with 3 unknown Polizei -
Btl. members where all three members are
wearing the Cholmshield underneath the cloth police eagle. They
also have the following awards : Infantry Assault Badge in silver, WoundS
badge Black iron cross 2nd class & Eastern front medal are shown
trough the buttonhole (ribbon). The date from this picture is not
JC Collection |
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